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Book Sales, Bold As Love downloads

Weather same as it was ten minutes ago. Bright sun, blue sky.

At last. Finally I can get into my homepage again, and here's the URl for the updated Book Sales page, for Gwyneth Jones and Ann Halam. Note that you can now use PayPal:
Book Sales

Plus, the reinstated free download of Bold As Love, re-edited, complete and unabridged. Castles Made Of Sand to follow, when I've figured out what's wrong with the pdf:

Bold As Love

Castles Made Of Sand

Plus, from Specusphere, another review of Spirit:

Spirit reviewed by Ian Banks


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Ben Lund on :

Just a quick note--he's "Iain" (and another one of my favorite British science fiction writers). :-)

Also, the anti-commentspamming device doesn't show an image in Firefox. Still a few bugs in the system.

Gwyneth on :

Hi Ben,

A natural mistake, but I just checked and the specusphere review is credited to Ian Banks with one "i". What are the chances, eh? Probably reasonably high, as it can't be an uncommon name.

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