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Gwyneth Jones on Social Networks

Monday 26th September. Indian summer yesterday, we walked by the sea, sharing two ices between three and admiring the volley-ball meet at the Barefoot cafe, but this is a cool, tossing grey morning, where has the sun gone?

To whom it may concern. If I get a Linkedin invitation from someone I know well, or someone with whom I've had recent contact that makes the invitation plausible, I accept. If the invitation has no provenance and comes without a personal message, I will always ignore it. That way, I never inadvertantly accept automatically generated invites.

Monday morning, as I've been promising myself, clearing off my Facebook page. As I've said before, I'm not really one for social networks, never will be, the whole thing is too corporate and controlling, and I like to be in charge of my own sandwich. But welcome aboard to all new friends, though you won't see much from me, personally, barring use of Facebook wall as free advertising for Avaaz alerts and such.


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