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A Lizard and a Cuckoo's Song

Monday June 1st, another beautiful warm day.

Sunday, warm and breezy, we didn't have time for a long day walking so we took the train to Berwick and walked around the little reservoir to Arlington, the Yew Tree, where they serve a nice pint of Sussex; and where the Norman Church of St Pancras, with its Saxon long and short work (featured in Rainbow Bridge) can be admired. Around and back through the lanes & beside the Cuckmere, pleasantly surprised by a lizard, sleek olive brown little creature, caught crossing road. There used to be a colony of Common (not in Sussex nowadays, of course) Lizards in King Death's Garden, on a neglected sunny path, but that was years ago. A viewing path has been created, more graves have been opened, the old upper cemetery has lost its summer aura of benign, dreamy neglect. Still, a lizard in the sunshine! And a cuckoo's song, from Abbot's Wood, that followed us, insistently, seeming to get clearer in the distance, as we headed down the river.

THIS IS A KNIFE late at night, Sky Artsworld, came across Bloc Party ("Banquet" and English National Ballet collaboration Ballet Rocks. Fantastic, compelling, power and glory: knocks MTV R&B excuses of song and dance routines I'm subjected to at the gym out of the ring. Reminded me of that Crocodile Dundee scene when some NY kid attempts to mug the leathery Paul Hogan. 'This is a knife, man!'. . .'Nah, mate THIS is a knife'