This Degrades...
Wednesday 26th August, cool; cloud and strong breeze.
Not that I suppose the lads in pants are really being exploited...
Far as I can tell, they're happy in their work & they don't look any sillier that Iggy Pop, for one.
I just think it would be funny if they were anti-pubbed.
Darn it, I see that Spirit on Not-the-Booker seems to have peaked at around 7votes. Typical of my lack of organisation. If I'd just taken the trouble to stuff a few envelopes, knock on a few doors, offer taxi rides to the polling station, I bet you anything I could have pushed that into double figures, and THEN wouldn't I have been proud. Ah well, I'm not that person, such is life.
West Sussex in the photo, blue and gold and tarnished late summer green, and that's the end of another August. New year, by our reckoning, always begins in September, which is when I'll be back here.