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Postmarked From The Stars

Friday 24th May 2024....

Clear blue sky, sunshine, the sparrows feeding at our kitchen window seem happy. Interesting to see that the male sparrows feed the young at least as readily as the females, who are far more pushy. Sparrows and humans have much in common. Seems that numbers, adaptability and social cohesion will take a rather drab insignificant seeming species a long way.

Sorry for the long delay, Bryan, but it's been hectic here. As you know, we've had a long discussion with Virgin Media about our connectivity. Then the Roofers came, terrified our cat, and slammed their special clip-together scaffolding through our house (it's okay, I like plastering, and I'm fairly good at it). They left, and somehow instead of being more waterproof (it's an old house) we found we had a miraculous indoor spring, flowing (well, dripping heartily) into the downstairs bathroom. Water in a bathroom? Not really unusual, but we felt we should have the roofers back . . .

Et la lutte continue . . .

But meanwhile, friends and others, while I'm still allowed on Twitter (X) as so far, I've failed to divulge my birthdate, basically because I don't know what to make of this request. Anyway, here's the links to Bryan's interview, and please do delve into his archives too.


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