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Spirit Or The Princess of Bois Dormant: Free Online

Wednesday 13th January, after dark, snow on the roofs, can't tell if it's freezing out there, I'm going to try and take the train to Manchester tomorrow:should be fine, wish me luck.

Holiday reading interrupted for a special announcement, it's the New Year, and as promised the full text of Spirit has returned, download here, free online. Soon I'll get all the online books on sidebar links on this new blog. If you want a word file not the pdf, just ask.

So Google are pulling out of China. I'm not saying they shouldn't, but what a blow. How abandoned all those people must feel.


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Ben Lund on :

Are you concerned that posting your recent books will affect sales?

Gwyneth on :

Hi Ben,

No, I'm not. The more visible a book is, the more readily it can be accessed and talked about, the better. That's what publishers obviously believe, and they're in the business of maximising sales.

Two other considerations: my books start turning up on Amazon marketplace, very heavily discounted, within weeks or months of publication. I don't get anything at all from those "used and new" sales, so I have nothing to lose by offering my free online version in "competition"

Plus, there's the Google Book Settlement. I've opted out (finally got round to it), but you can bet Google will be in no hurry to remove any of their dodgy scans from their pre-emptive database; if they ever do. My pdf texts are the books as I wrote them.

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